Sitemap - 2022 - Missio Dei

Truth and Love: A Catholic Convert Reflects on Benedict XVI

And the Word Became Flesh

The Feminine Church

A Holy Family

Getting Back to Basics

Book Review: Snarl by John Francis Pearring, Jr.

The Death of the Holy Innocents

Hope in the Emptiness?

Christmas with Tolkien

Endure to the End

Let us Protect the Lord

God’s Promise Is Fulfilled

What’s Your Name?

Humbly Accepting The Call

The Innkeeper

Breath of Heaven: Marian Discernment

Rain Down

The Power of Praying in the Name of Jesus

It Truly is A Wonderful Life

The Gospel will Dash Souls to Pieces. So, Pray for the Gift of Faith.

O Wisdom of Our God Most High

Subsidiarity in your Parish community, the value of Confession, & Eucharistic Revival Penance

Shine Brightly!

St. John the Baptist's Last Effort

Withered or Fruitful?

Hope in the Lord

Almost Good Catholics presents Catholic Movies, Pt. 1 (with Jonathan Fessenden) AUDIO PODCAST

Offering Our Darkness To God

Seek Mary's Intercession

Keeping Silence in the "Cloister" of Our Hearts This Advent

God Calls YOU to be a Saint!

Prepare the Way of the Lord: Repent!

"I Believe, Help My Unbelief!" The story of how I converted to Catholicism

Transcending Doubt

The Immaculate Conception Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

No Eucharistic Revival Without Contrition for 2020

Finding Rest in Him

How Beautiful You Are, How Beautiful!

William Lane Craig's Questions on Abortion, Part II

Renew the Fervor of Your Faith!!

Be Bold. Be Local.

The Mission of God

The Devil's Radio

Efficacious Faith

I Guess Jesus Saved Me Today

Thy Will Be Done

Fishers of Men

To Be Childlike

Faith and Humility

Error, Deadly Sin, and Christ

Prepare Your Hearts for the Lord.

Be Vigilant

Our Kingly Role by Virtue of Baptism

Bursting Forth!

Will He Find Faith On Earth

Confessions From the Confession Line

We have Christ behind us!

When You Hear of Troubled Times, Don't Be Frightened

Sacrifice More Than Your Surplus

Social Justice, Catholic Style

The Sacred, The Profane, and The Virtue of Religion

The Sanctity of Marriage

Understanding the Distinction between Nature & Grace

We are Standing on Holy Ground

Do Not Hide

He Gives and Takes Away

How to Go to Adoration When You Can’t Go to Adoration

Seeking the Lord: The Story of Zacchaeus

Fireside Chats w/ Jonathon & Phillip

Time to Make the Call


The Mission Update

Persistent Prayer and Faith on Earth

A Catholic Millennial Woman on Modesty

Beautiful are the Feet

Who is my Enemy?

The Kingdom of God is a Person

Three Days

Give More

Only Children Shall Inherit the Kingdom

Forgive, and be Forgiven!

No Marriage in Heaven

"You Cannot Serve Both God and Mammon"

Time for a Change!

Rebelling Against Unjust Authority

God Never Tires

Pray for Our Loved Ones & Hope for their Salvation

Be More than just a Parent & Become a Catholic Parent

Be a Saint & Be Happy

You Are Seen

Encounter our Lord Jesus!

The Mission Update

Humbling Oneself

The Patron Saints of Herbal Medicine and the Abbot Who Shaped History

Now is the Time to Pray!

You Tell that Fox

The Heresy of Centering Prayer: How Faithful Catholics Have Become Confused

Through The Narrow Gate

Meet Me Halfway - On Catholic Marriage

Add to the Kingdom

Restoring the Catholic in Catholic Schools

You are an Instrument of the Lord's

Poured Out like a Libation

The Mission Update

The Barren Fig Tree

Memento Mori: Remember that you must die

Trim Your Sails, Heaven Awaits!

Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus

The Path of Christ

A Review of the USCCB’s Response to Domestic Violence

You Know Not The Hour

"Struggles in the Spiritual Life" with Fr. Timothy Gallagher O.M.V.

Work the Field

Making a Good Confession

Strive to be Rich! (Sort of...)

Spiritual Warfare: Moses, Amalek, & Joshua

Are Your Arms Tired from Praying?

The Mission Update

For Love Alone - St. Teresa of Avila

The Sins Against the Holy Spirit

Breaking a Priest's Heart

Live Jesus!

Man's Free Will

Recognizing Acts in Error

A Catholic Defense of Social Contract Theory

Pharisees Within

The Maternity of Consecrated Life

Grow in Spirit

Early Christian Medicine

God Gave You a Sign

Let us Give Thanks to God!

The Mission Update

"Blessed Are Those Who Hear the Word of God and Observe It"

Fathers, Your Daughters Need You

That We May All Be One

Healing Ministry

Pray Without Ceasing

The Wellspring of Human Dignity

Our Father

7 Reasons Why the Resurrection of the Dead is So Important

Sit with the Lord

Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus

Who Are Our Neighbors?

Eucharistic Adoration Prayer

We Wait in Faith

I Love My Job

"You Have Revealed Them to the Childlike"


Under the Fig Tree

The Three Fonts of Moral Action

I Will Follow You, Lord

Yoga Isn’t an Exercise, it’s a Spiritual Practice

Do Not Use Force

The Deeper Well

Jesus' Response to Those Who Want to be Great

Do Whatever He Tells You: Surrender to Divine Will

Hell is Real. Strive to Choose God Now.

Trusting in God

St. Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry

Who Do You Say That I am?

God's Voice Can't Be Silenced

All You Need is Caritas

I Did Not Come to Call the Righteous but Sinners

(Review) The Rings of Power, S1 E4: "The Great Wave"

Your Eternal Family

A Very Brief History of Herbal Medicine in the Pre-Christian Era

You Are a Light in the Dark

No Servant Can Serve Two Masters

Heirs of God: A Catholic Biblical Reading on Adoption

Rich Soil and Sacramental Grace

Unworthy, Yet Called

Holiness and Evangelization

Our Lady of Sorrows

(Review) The Rings of Power, S1 E3: "Adar"

For God so Loved the World

We Are One Body!

Restored to Life

A Note of Thanks to Our Priests

Say the Word, Lord

The Eucharist: The Foundation of the Catholic Church

We Need Direction!

Mary, Our Mother

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

"There is Nothing as Hateful as Christian Love"

Be Blessed and Rejoice

Inner Emptiness and Pornography Addiction: Why Destructive Habits Form

You Are in the Bible

Review: "The Rings of Power" premier

Jesus Broke the Law...?

Pope St. Gregory the Great and Humility

Belonging to Christ

New Wine!

Simon's Faith

The Common Good & The Individual

Preaching in the Synagogues

Master Richard the Scribe

The Word of Authority

Book Review: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Acknowledge Your Sins and Proclaim the Truth

Fear and the Talents

To That Shrine Most Holy: A Photographic Tour of Ste. Anne de Beaupré Shrine, Pt. 2

How Much is Enough?

Be Prepared

A True Child of Israel

Faith Must Influence Politics

Clean Your Insides

St. Dymphna, Patroness of Domestic Violence Victims

Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Fear-Based Ministry

Humility and Authority

A Mother's Suffering

Love! It’s that Simple

An Abuser's False Self: Hypocrisy in Sacramental Relationships

3 Eternal Punishments

The Laity in the Mission of the Church: A Neglected Truth

Last Will Be First, and the First Will Be Last

You Are the Rich Man

Lift Up Your Hearts

Fear the Lord, Not Man

Prayer of Detachment

“Let the children come to Me”

To That Shrine Most Holy: A Photographic Tour of Ste. Anne de Beaupré Shrine, Pt. 1

Divorce? May It Be Done on Earth as It is in Heaven

Identity and Mission

Forgive Forgive Forgive

Dying to the World

The Priests of KZ Dachau

Seeking the Glory of Humility

Is Herbal Medicine Christian?

The Passion, a Fish, and a Coin

Becoming the Seventy-Two Disciples

Book Review: The Woman: The Mystery of Mary as Mediatrix in the Teaching of Fulton J. Sheen by Dr. Peter J. Howard

The Transfiguration: Awakening to Christ’s Glory

Is Your Love in Vain?

How Important is the Word of God to You?

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Is Bilocation/Multilocation Possible?

Great is Your Faith

Women, Let's Veil for the Eucharistic Revival

You of Little Faith

Latin: A Universal Language for the Universal Church

The Possible Dream

Discipleship at 35 MPH

God's Storage Unit

Decreasing for the Messiah

Virtuous and Vicious Acts: The Ethical Dilemma of an Abusive Marriage

God Wants Us to be Happy

Living with Abandon

Book Review: Choosing to See Beauty by Maura Preszler

The Net

A Pearl of Great Price

Is Time Travel Possible?

Weeding the Garden

The Role of the Blessed Mother in Salvation History

Time to Roll up Our Sleeves

Lord, Teach us to Pray

Healing Toxic Victimhood

The Weeds and the Wheat

The Danger of Fleeing God's Call in our Lives

Finding That Lost Key!

O Mi Jesu

Rich Soil, Poor Soil

Touching the Hem of God’s Robe

Your Spiritual Family

Expositions on the Psalms: Psalm 23

Don't Ignore the Truth

Have a Loved one who is not a Catholic? Leave them at the feet of Christ

The Cry of the Poor

Opening Our Hearts

Teresa of Ávila: A Patron Saint for Bookworms?

The Development of the Canon of Scripture

Do Rules Rule?

Take My Yoke Upon You

Book Review: Life of Christ by Fulton J. Sheen

The Father's Gracious Will

Toxic Positivity


Time for a Change!

Peace or Division?

Why I Love My Parish

Go Ahead and Laugh

Fear Those Who Kill the Soul

The Miracle of the Priesthood: An Ordination Story

“Walk with Your Feet on Earth, But in Your Heart be in Heaven”

Yes, Lord, You know that I love You

Shake the Dust From Your Feet

"Follow your Conscience"

And The Truth Will Set You Free

A Printer's Choice: The Making of a Catholic Science Fiction Odyssey, Part 2

"The Harvest is abundant..."

St. Caterina of Siena and Following God's Will: Part 2

Be Made New

Stay With Me

The Beauty and Power of the "Glory Be"

New Wineskins

St. Caterina of Siena and Following God's Will: Part 1

Get Up and Go!

Reasonable Faith Ministry Review

It takes a Village

Letter From the Editor

We Need to Pray for a Reform in Convents Before We Can Pray for More Vocations

Oh Ye of Little Faith

Abba, Father

Jesus is in the Boat

The Necessary Pain of Grief and Healing


Theological Aesthetics: The Unpicturability of God

Theological Aesthetics: The Unpicturability of God

If You're Stuck, try looking back

Fulton Sheen's Documentary on the Vatican

"My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph"

Christendom: The Kingdom of God on Earth

On the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Shepherd Our Hearts

He Found Me in Darkness

Be Silent

A Printer's Choice: The Making of a Catholic Science Fiction Odyssey, Part 1

Keeping a Keen Eye

The Jewish Jesus

Clutch Your Pearl

Missio Dei - “Exploring Our Faith” with Kelly Tallent

Stop Judging!

A Response to an Article You’ll Never Read

Blessed Solemnity of Corpus Christi! Meet Missio Dei Writer Christina Sorrentino!

Take your Medicine

Nominal Relationships

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Why I Love Being a High School Theology Teacher

Filled with Light, Shine!

I got a tattoo!

William Lane Craig's Two Questions:Part I

This Is How You Pray

Hallowed Be Thy Name

The Comfort in the Silence

Grieving After Abusive Trauma: A Spiritual Insight into Suffering

God Will Forgive You

We Do Have a Choice!

Break the Cycle

The Truth behind the whys

Kung Fu Antipopes & Vatican Vampire Hunters

Struggling today? Maybe it's time to "go back" and revisit the thing that caused your suffering in the first place

The Earth Is His Footstool

Liturgical Questions Answered #1

Interior Change

Fiction Every Catholic Should Read: Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos

Go First and Reconcile

Why Writ Prayers are Important

Follow the Law!

Upcoming Projects, Ways to Support, and JP II

Exodus 90

Be Salty!

Light and Color in Medieval Christian Wisdom and Art

"It is finished."...but not for you.

A Tale of Two Mothers

O Come Holy Spirit! Pentecost and Mission

An Abuse Marriage is a Lonely Marriage

"You Follow Me"

Who Can Be Saved?

Peter's Restoration

Mercy Tree Adventures

Christ Our Advocate

The First Rending of Christendom

Time to Leave

Striving for Holiness as a Single Catholic Woman

Mary's Choice

The Antidote to Fear

The Holy Spirit Has Come Upon You!

A Resurrection Worldview

Has God ever come to you?

Our Lady, Queen of Apostles

"Ask in My Name"

Book Review: "Something Wicked This Way Comes" by Ray Bradbury

Jesus is Tender

The Ascension of Christ

Seeking A Higher Truth

On Passover and Easter

Breath of God

When You Have No Words, Tears Become Prayers

You Have an Advocate


Are you willing to pay the price?

Pure for God

Not so Great Expectations

Pelosi Refused the Eucharist Until She Revokes Abortion Support

The Hatred and Persecution of the World

The Gateway to Abuse: How Pornography Destroys Relationships

Would you ever tell your story?

My Thoughts are not Your Thoughts

Arguing Against Abortion

Remain In Christ's Love

Burying Christendom

The Apostolic Authority

Covenant Fulfilled

Unite Yourself to the Cross

Relentless Love of God

You Have an Advocate!

Jesus survived Betrayal

Meet Melissa Presser

St. Hildegard of Bingen and the Scandal of the Middle Ages

No Greater Love

Behind the Convent Walls

Limited Understanding

Homosexuality and the Gift of Marriage

Serving: A Blessing and a Virtue

The Scarlet Witch and IVF (Abortion)

Mercy and Justice

Discussion: Has God ever asked you to do something hard?

Grace First

Thomistic Metaphysics on Angels

I AM the Gate

Stay with Me

An Overview of Metaphysics

"You have the words of eternal life."

Human Nature and the Power of God's Grace in the Sacrament of the Priesthood

The Bread of Life Discourse, cont'd

The Bread of Life

Gluttony as Madness

David's Cry Answered

Everyday Miracles

Faith-The Work of God

New Test dates the Shroud of Turin to the time of Christ

Stay With Us

Jesus Protects the Catholic Church

I Choose Forward

Offer it up

The Human Act of a Promise

The One Above All Things

A Litmus Test

Be a part of our Growing Family!

Wherever the Wind May Blow

Preach the Gospel to Every Creature

Upcoming Article on Abuse in Religious Communities

Hiding in plain sight

Pondering the Paschal Mystery in its Entirety

Believing What We Cannot See

Servant of God, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

Jesus will unfold

Parenting Out of Hope vs. Parenting Out of Fear

Be Bold! Proclaim Jesus Christ!!

Ledhbardor: The Journey Home

Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist

Greed and Prodigality

Joint Heirs with Christ

The Importance of the Psalms in the Liturgy of the Hours

"Go to Galilee"

Boulder of Living Water

Are you looking for Jesus?

Hanging in the Wind

Rejoice in the Risen Christ

Jesus “Breathed His Last”

Suffering as Mercy

Jesus' Love

Watch and Pray

Humble and Repetitive Prayer

Holy Thursday


A Tale of Two Thieves

Love in the Midst of Duplicity

Lenten Poems for Kids

Jesus “Eagerly” Offers Himself in the Holy Eucharist

Have You Denied Jesus?

Entering into Holy Week (The Triduum)

For Sale Now! "The Stations of the Cross with John A. Hardon, S.J. by Joseph Tuttle

The Holy Triduum Defined

The Servant Gives to God and Man

So, you’re a Catholic writer...

A Brief Reflection on the Eucharist

You Killed Jesus


Mater Dolorosa: Mary Leads Us to Her Son

Put down your stones

The Tyranny of Casual

God was with you, Even when you weren't with Him

Come out of the Tomb


All or Nothing

Let Christ Liberate You!

Expositions on the Psalms: Psalm 117

Get Alone with God

Recognizing the Messiah

Have you Mourned Paradise?

Jesus is Consistent

Testify on My Behalf

On the Evils of Contraception and Abortion

"Hear the Word and Believe"

An Orderly Account

Are You Willing to Be Healed?

3/28/22 "Every Tear from Their Eyes"

Expositions on the Psalms: Psalm 130

Finding God in the Dirt

At Arms Length

"O God, Be Merciful to Me, a Sinner"

Reflections on Mary

God is Magnified

The Law of the Cross

Divided We Fall

Friendship in the Desert

March 23 Gospel Reflection

What is Popular Piety?

Dying to Forgive

How Do We Know What Jesus Actually Said and Did?

Be a Prophet!

From Mission to Mission Field

Deadly Anger

St. Joseph and the Finding in the Temple

Solemnity of St. Joseph

Four R's

The Pursuit of Perfection

The Permanence of Hell & Heaven

On the Unity of the Catholic Church, East and West

Spiritual Suffering

In My Weakness I Am Strong

Pray for Priests

Overwhelmed by Catholicism

Prayer is the Key to Forgiving

The Scourging at the Pillar

Leave it all Behind

Joy and Hope in this Modern World

"Love Your Enemies"

Go First

Do Unto Others: The Lords Message of Universal Peace

Fulton Sheen's Rules for Reading

Lord Have Mercy On Me


The Lord's Perfect Prayer

Light of the Nations!

You are Called to Holiness!

God always Wins

What exactly is Pride?

Leaving Everything Behind

Fasting is not a sideshow

The Church and Divine Revelation

Living a Life of Holiness: The Need for Prayer, Fasting, and Penance.

7 Deadly Sins

Ash Wednesday

Missio Dei and the Eucharistic Revival

Understanding and Celebrating Vatican II in the Midst of Liturgical Debate

An evil person knows only how to be evil

The Subversive Gospel

For Lent, I am giving up my ego

Adoration of the Eucharist Teaches Us to Reverence Humanity

Spiritual Poverty

The Credo of Adjectives

Aquinas, Charity, and the Cause of Our Joy

When your Enemy is someone you love

The Necessity of Reason

Suffering as a Cause to Stand

May the Lord Bless and Protect You

Called to be a Disciple

The Terror of My Conversion

The Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Protestant Reformation, and the Council of Trent

Septuagesima: Preparing our Hearts for Lent

When God feels distant

The Biblical Significance of Lent

Time for a Change

Jesus's Temptations are the Church's

Because We Are Made

March for Life Los Angeles 2022

The Agony in the Garden

Will you give God the thing you love the most?

The Transmission of Faith through Relationship – A Lenten Sacrifice

Is the Gospel worth dying for?

Cain, Abel, and the Price of Blood

The Enigmatic Paradox of Knowing Ourselves

What is Missio Dei?

How do you deal with rejection?

Rejection is not love

The Great Invitation

Take Nothing for the Journey

The Rise of Podcasts, Censorship, and the Art of Conversation

The Last Supper & The Eucharist

Arresting Strangeness

The Eternals: The Antithesis to Genesis

Trying to work out a problem?

Holiness Does Not Mean Passivity

Why do bad things happen to good people?

St. Irenaeus of Lyons: Doctor of Unity or Doctor of Division?

The Unexamined Life

"Moral Relativism" and Modern Life

The Vicar of Christ Behind the Screen

the unraveling

God is in the credits

CNN Opinion Piece: The Pope is wrong. Choosing to have few or no children is the opposite of selfish. (A Clarification)

Waiting on God

Fulton Sheen's View of Vatican II

The Bible is a Book of Fairy Tales?

What and Who is the “Word of God”?

Why study Philosophy?

Letting Go of Expectations


God is not in a career, He's in a calling

Who were the Wise Men?

The Importance of the Psalms in our Daily Catholic Lives

On Herod the Great

Are Emotions Intelligible?

Look up!

Humbly Submitting to the Mother of God

A Catholic Primer on “New Year Resolutions”