“…but you have kept the good wine until now.” John 2:10
Are you the type of person that stays until the credits roll at the end of the movie or are you the person that leaves as soon as the last scene is done?
I have never left a movie theatre until I have caught every last glimpse of the credits, just in case I miss any outtakes, deleted scenes, or extra bonus material. I’ve always stayed to the very end, whether I liked the movie or not. I have found many times that the funniest and greatest parts of the movie are often hidden as the credits roll.
In today’s gospel, staying until the end is very much a part of the teaching of Jesus. While at a wedding, Mary tells Jesus that the couple has run out of wine. Jesus performs His first miracle by turning the jars filled with water into wine. The servers who had taken the water to the headwaiter got to witness this miracle.
I often wonder about those who were attending the wedding who may have missed out on the good wine, the very best wine. What if they left early or what if they simply did not drink it? They would have missed out on the very best part, Jesus.
The good wine is whatever Jesus brings us, and is far superior to anything else. If we choose our own way, leave early, or do not discern where our presence is required, we miss the good wine, the superior wine. This superior wine can be the answer to prayer, the miracle we have been waiting for, or the closure of a period of discernment. Why would we leave until we see what Jesus’ direction is for us?
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want inferior wine, I want the superior kind, the kind that Jesus made. While I often don’t want to stay until the end to see things through, I know God’s best for me is in His divine timing.
Today, if you are feeling stuck with a decision or in a situation, think about seeing the process through with Christ. Finish this leg of your journey.
God is waiting for you in the credits.