St. Augustine says: "If mankind had not fallen, the Son of Man would not have come. Why did He come into the world? To save sinners (I Tim. I:15).
Jesus said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." (Mt 16:15-16)
Christ asks each of us, "who do you say I am?" For many of us, we are pondering this question and reflecting daily on who He truly is. Those working on their spiritual life understand this journey does not stop after Catholic school or confirmation, and the relationship is indeed an ongoing experience. Somedays, we must dig deep, and the cross seems hard to carry, but let's never forget He is always there for us waiting. Christ is the center of our faith, and just like Peter, we answer Him by saying, "You are the Christ the Son of the living God."
"Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father." (Mt. 16:17)
When I was in High School and struggling with the idea of God, I once asked my mother why she believed in God. Her answer was appropriate, and she responded that she feels Him inside her heart. Although this was a good answer, it did not provide me with a solution to my spiritual dilemma. I felt God at certain times when I was younger, but I was still a product of a generation that demanded empirical evidence. Like many, I struggled with an understanding of faith or a lack thereof, but I know now that these important questions coming into my mind was God drawing me closer to Him. Jesus was showing Simon the mystery of faith when He says "for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father."
The topic of faith is not always easy to explain to someone that has not experienced it, and I am thankful to my mother for doing her best with a confused young teenager. She was not reading Aquinas, who explains faith is the mind's assent to what is not seen, but that would have probably went over my head anyways. One thing I always pray for is grace and the church reminds us that "internal supernatural grace is absolutely necessary for the beginning of “faith and salvation." (De fide.)
Today, meditate on God's glory and give him the absolute worship "Latria." Sit in silence and listen to what the Father is trying to convey in your life and continue to answer His call. Have faith that in everything you are going through, and trust the Son of God will bring peace, wisdom, and clarity into your heart.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:516)
I'm asking God for a better spiritual life, turning to him for everything I do and it is not easy. Thank you for this writing today. God Bless you.
The way to God is open, direct and actually easy, but we humans love to complicate things, muddy the waters. Maybe we do that so as to have as to have an excuse not to come to God, at least not fully! Thank you for your message!