“Filled with the holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert”
Luke 4:1
Have you ever felt alone?
One after the other, the hits keep coming, and you are asking God whether your world will ever stop spiraling. Whether the sucker punches to the gut will ever end. Whether you will ever find yourself on solid ground again.
The liturgical season of Lent does not stop these battles from coming, but instead places them in the light of Christ. In the desert, there is room and space to grow, to fight personal battles and addictions, to see things clearly for what they are and what they are not.
The surrounding noise of the world often makes it more difficult to hear the voice of God, or to put a problem in perspective. In the desert, we can parcel these things out and see things for what they are. Without distractions, we can focus on listening to God while at the same time, fight the devil, powered by the Holy Spirit that lives in us.
In the desert there is an exposure of people, places, and things, including ourselves
Jesus sets the example for us on how to fight these battles. He uses scripture as His sword and uses the power of the Holy Spirit as His shield. Even though He is hungry, His mind is clear and focused. We too become clear and focused when we fast from the things of this world.
Today, if you haven’t already, don’t put your problems to the side for forty days, but rather, bring them with you into the Lenten desert. Write them down. Expose them. Wrestle with them if you have to. In the light of Christ, you will see them for what they are. You will use the Holy Eucharist and scripture to defeat them. And with Christ by your side, you will win.