I want you to know that, when the Lord thinks of each of you and what he wants to give you, he sees you as his close friend. And if he plans to grant you a grace, a charism that will help you live to the full and become someone who benefits others, someone who leaves a mark in life, it will surely be a gift that will bring you more joy and excitement than anything else in this world. Not because that gift will be rare or extraordinary, but because it will perfectly fit you. It will be a perfect fit for your entire life. (Pope Francis, Christus Vivit, 288)
It's really sad that dioceses make it so difficult for women to become consecrated virgins. That's such a beautiful vocation, yet so few Catholics even know it exists. More and more parishes have been encouraging religious vocations recently, but they should also promote and encourage vocations to the consecrated single life, which is an equally beautiful gift to the Church. May God bless you, Christina, in all that you do for Christ and His Church; you are truly inspiring.
It truly is such a beautiful vocation. It is interesting that each diocese can differ so much. The Catholic Church in its entirety must foster all beloved vocations in order to have an increase in these vocations. We must pray for all those who are called and cannot hear, and those who can hear but are not being "allowed" in their area. God's will is the best will, so may He guide each of us. Thank you Christina for your beautiful article!! God Bless.
Yes, it is sad. My friend wound up becoming a consecrated virgin in a different diocese because the process was so long and burdensome. In the other diocese within a year she was able to become a consecrated virgin without any issues.
It's really sad that dioceses make it so difficult for women to become consecrated virgins. That's such a beautiful vocation, yet so few Catholics even know it exists. More and more parishes have been encouraging religious vocations recently, but they should also promote and encourage vocations to the consecrated single life, which is an equally beautiful gift to the Church. May God bless you, Christina, in all that you do for Christ and His Church; you are truly inspiring.
It truly is such a beautiful vocation. It is interesting that each diocese can differ so much. The Catholic Church in its entirety must foster all beloved vocations in order to have an increase in these vocations. We must pray for all those who are called and cannot hear, and those who can hear but are not being "allowed" in their area. God's will is the best will, so may He guide each of us. Thank you Christina for your beautiful article!! God Bless.
Yes, it is sad. My friend wound up becoming a consecrated virgin in a different diocese because the process was so long and burdensome. In the other diocese within a year she was able to become a consecrated virgin without any issues.