It is amazing to me how praying the Rosary opens me up to "The voice of The Holy Spirit." I often have ideas and insights that I can barely remember when I am done praying. But yesterday, one idea stuck with me. I was contemplating how God makes extraordinary demands on his people. I had been reading Exodus wherein the sacrifices God expects are described in detail, and I was thinking "Man, that's harsh, expecting these poor people to give their first and their best to God, always. But then, while meditating upon The Agony in the Garden, it dawned on me about the staggering nature of God's sacrifice for us. His first and only Son, on a Cross, so that we might not die, but have eternal life, in eternal communion with The Trinity and with all the angels and saints. It dawned on me that God perpetually invites us into an ongoing cycle of mutual self giving, where we pour out everything we have for God, and yet he pours out far more than that for us. Even the material sacrifices God asks for us are nothing more than a portion of time or matter that ultimately belongs to God, and not to ourselves. What took place on The Cross, with Mary at the foot of The Cross, is the culmination of the Greatest conspiracy of self giving love ever recorded, or contemplated. I'm not sure how profound this is, but it struck me as a realization that I could not have generated on my own from my limited knowledge of Scripture or of The Faith. Praying the Rosary, in my case, is an open invitation to The Holy Spirit to illuminate my heart and mind with His Truth.
It is amazing to me how praying the Rosary opens me up to "The voice of The Holy Spirit." I often have ideas and insights that I can barely remember when I am done praying. But yesterday, one idea stuck with me. I was contemplating how God makes extraordinary demands on his people. I had been reading Exodus wherein the sacrifices God expects are described in detail, and I was thinking "Man, that's harsh, expecting these poor people to give their first and their best to God, always. But then, while meditating upon The Agony in the Garden, it dawned on me about the staggering nature of God's sacrifice for us. His first and only Son, on a Cross, so that we might not die, but have eternal life, in eternal communion with The Trinity and with all the angels and saints. It dawned on me that God perpetually invites us into an ongoing cycle of mutual self giving, where we pour out everything we have for God, and yet he pours out far more than that for us. Even the material sacrifices God asks for us are nothing more than a portion of time or matter that ultimately belongs to God, and not to ourselves. What took place on The Cross, with Mary at the foot of The Cross, is the culmination of the Greatest conspiracy of self giving love ever recorded, or contemplated. I'm not sure how profound this is, but it struck me as a realization that I could not have generated on my own from my limited knowledge of Scripture or of The Faith. Praying the Rosary, in my case, is an open invitation to The Holy Spirit to illuminate my heart and mind with His Truth.
This is most helpful! Thank you!!!
That was heartfelt.