Stephanie, Do you believe that our Pope is chosen through the Holy Spirit.? Do you believe that Jesus gave the authority to Peter and his successors to bind and loose? How can you then, decide that Pope Francis is "not Christian"? In what way?
I do not necessarily believe the Pope is always chosen by the Holy Spirit, but by men. Sometimes the choice is guided by the Spirit; sometimes by the need to placate a political position. Furthermore, I did not say that this pope is not a Christian. His early years were marked by words and actions that reflected our Lord, Jesus. However, in recent months he appears to be following the culture instead of the Scriptures. That doesn't mean I think he is not a Christian, but I do suspect he may be falling into the ways of the Church at Thyatira (see Revelation 2:19-29).
So, can you have it both ways and be Catholic? For you are now deciding that some Popes are the Vicar of Christ and not others? From the Decrees of Vatican I:
" If, then, anyone shall say that it is not by the institution of CHRIST the LORD, or by divine right, that Blessed Peter has a perpetual line of successors in the primacy over the universal Church; or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of Blessed Peter in this primacy; let him be anathema." (PASTOR AETERNUS II)
Certainly, our Pope is not the best communicator, especially in a world that refuses to read anything more than a sound bite. However, as a Catholic, I trust that the Holy Spirit does guide the Church. Though these are heavy seas, they are by no means the heaviest. We need to seek understanding of the teachings we receive and pray for our current Pope.
My perspective, on this topic is that Pope Francis is the legitimate Pope, chosen by the Holy Spirit and guaranteed against changing actual Church teachings on morals and doctrine. I just don't think he is a good pope. Very occasionally, God seems to give us popes that are not great, especially in times when major reform is needed. So far, Pope Francis has just confused people. Hopefully the Cardinals and Bishops will stand up and say that the next pope needs to be absolutely clear in refuting the modernist bishops and priests. Pope Bendict said that Pope Francis is a man of great compassion. I do not doubt that. But, he and those ho help craft his messages can't seem to make a clear, unambiguous statement for anything.
I know this latest document has confused many and has made me and others very exhausted (except for James Martin, lol). I have to agree with you Judson, in what you wrote; it is how I feel. Thanks for articulating it.
Good Pope or not, Jesus and His Mother Are in charge, this is the earth not heaven, God Has the last word on all, he gave us His Laws and Freedom. Looking back, we had many bad popes, bad in the behavior sense. Pope Francis have really bad judgement picking his advisers. While he has very good intentions, the ones advising him doesn't, and the political people that he is friend with, has not the best interest for the church, nor. for the world either. We continue to pray, and Jesus Will straight everything out.
Praying for a Christian Pope and a president with integrity!
Stephanie, Do you believe that our Pope is chosen through the Holy Spirit.? Do you believe that Jesus gave the authority to Peter and his successors to bind and loose? How can you then, decide that Pope Francis is "not Christian"? In what way?
I do not necessarily believe the Pope is always chosen by the Holy Spirit, but by men. Sometimes the choice is guided by the Spirit; sometimes by the need to placate a political position. Furthermore, I did not say that this pope is not a Christian. His early years were marked by words and actions that reflected our Lord, Jesus. However, in recent months he appears to be following the culture instead of the Scriptures. That doesn't mean I think he is not a Christian, but I do suspect he may be falling into the ways of the Church at Thyatira (see Revelation 2:19-29).
So, can you have it both ways and be Catholic? For you are now deciding that some Popes are the Vicar of Christ and not others? From the Decrees of Vatican I:
" If, then, anyone shall say that it is not by the institution of CHRIST the LORD, or by divine right, that Blessed Peter has a perpetual line of successors in the primacy over the universal Church; or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of Blessed Peter in this primacy; let him be anathema." (PASTOR AETERNUS II)
Certainly, our Pope is not the best communicator, especially in a world that refuses to read anything more than a sound bite. However, as a Catholic, I trust that the Holy Spirit does guide the Church. Though these are heavy seas, they are by no means the heaviest. We need to seek understanding of the teachings we receive and pray for our current Pope.
My perspective, on this topic is that Pope Francis is the legitimate Pope, chosen by the Holy Spirit and guaranteed against changing actual Church teachings on morals and doctrine. I just don't think he is a good pope. Very occasionally, God seems to give us popes that are not great, especially in times when major reform is needed. So far, Pope Francis has just confused people. Hopefully the Cardinals and Bishops will stand up and say that the next pope needs to be absolutely clear in refuting the modernist bishops and priests. Pope Bendict said that Pope Francis is a man of great compassion. I do not doubt that. But, he and those ho help craft his messages can't seem to make a clear, unambiguous statement for anything.
I know this latest document has confused many and has made me and others very exhausted (except for James Martin, lol). I have to agree with you Judson, in what you wrote; it is how I feel. Thanks for articulating it.
Amen to that.
I am praying for another St John Paul II. His rejection of Liberation Theology was very clear ...
Good Pope or not, Jesus and His Mother Are in charge, this is the earth not heaven, God Has the last word on all, he gave us His Laws and Freedom. Looking back, we had many bad popes, bad in the behavior sense. Pope Francis have really bad judgement picking his advisers. While he has very good intentions, the ones advising him doesn't, and the political people that he is friend with, has not the best interest for the church, nor. for the world either. We continue to pray, and Jesus Will straight everything out.