Ultimately, the thing that I needed most from Christ was His rest. My first glimpse at finding an answer to arrive at it happened when I read the account of the lilies of the field in Matthew 6:25-34. It sounded like God wanted me trust Him by not worrying about anything at all. I had never heard of this before. There were other Scripture verses that supported this spiritual practice; but I was not aware of them at the time. About 12 years later I became aware of them and I tried it. After that, things were no longer the same.

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For some reason, I usually find the end of the day especially when in bed, the best time to have a heart to heart with Jesus. And one time I heard myself talking to Him. I thought, "Oh my, I sound like a child!" All alone at night, I was still embarrassed. "This won't do", I thought, and I tried to speak in a more adult, intelligent way, pretty it up to impress the Lord as to how serious I was. I couldn't do it to my frustration! It actually seemed like the Lord was rather bored with my more sophisticated way. Worse I was no longer pouring out my heart which I desperately needed to do! Now I just babble on like a child. Works better for me!

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