Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by Christina M. Sorrentino

I really appreciate your analysis of the modern crisis within young Catholicism of 'holier than thou'. Yes, we practice tradition, but do we strive for charity? Thank you so much for your post.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Christina M. Sorrentino

Thank you, I needed to read this message today.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Christina M. Sorrentino

Yes my parish has people like that I found sitting in back of the church and being invisible helps and I can peacefully go to mass and adoration without judgement. I’m to old for high school drama and I told the priest after someone was upset that I was a Eucharistic minister at mass and I was asked by the priest to assist. As well as set up for adoration This lady threw up a stink. Then the other one about me setting up for adoration. I told the priest who is now my spiritual director. I don’t want to cause any trouble or step on any one’s toes. Then I was pushed out teaching CCD I wrote to the pastor about this he did nothing. so I just stoped helping in my parish little did I know I would begin blue ribbon survivors apostolate which encourage survivors of abuse especially clergy abuse and abuse in the church. I also pray and offer up for conversion sanctification of perpetrators and healing of the church. So I’m pretty busy. I have no time for the high school drama . Being a secular Franciscan has helped me to quickly detached from unhealthy drama.

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Same, I have no time for it either. I recently left a parish apostolate because I have no time for high school drama. I also don't tolerate bullying, just no. Sometimes for peace we need to stay away from certain toxic people at our parish, but sadly sometimes it's difficult if these individuals run most of the apostolates in a parish.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Christina M. Sorrentino

Yes in my parish it’s that way and the pastors that were there did nothing about the bullying. That’s the problem with the church it creates opportunity for bullying if no one in authority does anything about it.

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Surely none of us fully aligns our outward profession of faith with our inward disposition all the time. Even the saints had lapses. It strikes me these chapel veiled women were sinning against charity, which is a not uncommon sin. The best thing would be to speak to them privately, reminding them of the sensitivities of others - and do everything one can to be a cheerful and considerate parishioner. Pray to the Holy Spirit in this. He will give you the right words to say.

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There are those who intentionally are two-faced, being one way externally, but truly another way in reality. There is a such thing as a wolf in sheep's clothing, sadly. We can only pray for such individuals.

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