I know I often seem petty to cradle Catholics who enjoy the modern "praise and worship" music. But the beauty of the classical composers in the Mass is far more enriching to my soul. Pope Benedict was a major influence in my conversion... and, while music ranks low among the reasons, we were certainly in agreement.

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Agreed!! I've been blessed to take several sacred music courses at my college, Holy Apostles, and they have filled me with a much deeper appreciation for the older hymns and classical composer pieces/Masses. May God bless you!

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PS. Thanks, and God bless you, as well!

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I am an autodidact who recently began learning the violin..... so, a whole world is opening up for this hillbilly! I have played some classical guitar, mandolin and piano in the past. But focusing on melody is very different. The classical composers were profound.

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Thank you, Chantel, very delightful!!!!

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