This article is so, so good. Thank you, Dave, for writing this! If you feel led, please link the article to the Men of Hope site when it's finally released. This message needs to be spread far and wide. It's excellent.
Thank you! Sobering thoughts that we all need to take to heart, deep within our souls! The expression "there but for the grace of God go I" is true on one sense. To God alone goes the credit I am not as bad as I could be. Yet at the same time the phrase bothered me a lot. It wasn't quite right. Finally after much time I realized when I used it, I wasn't being humble but arrogant. I was being the scribe in the parable of the scribe and tax collector. And that is why we forgive because we all are equal in sin.
Great post which really resonates with me. I spent too many years running away from God and justifying it to myself. It's easy to be seduced by the secular god of Self, when God doesn't match up to your expectations. He was right and I was very, very wrong.
This article is so, so good. Thank you, Dave, for writing this! If you feel led, please link the article to the Men of Hope site when it's finally released. This message needs to be spread far and wide. It's excellent.
I will
Thank you! Sobering thoughts that we all need to take to heart, deep within our souls! The expression "there but for the grace of God go I" is true on one sense. To God alone goes the credit I am not as bad as I could be. Yet at the same time the phrase bothered me a lot. It wasn't quite right. Finally after much time I realized when I used it, I wasn't being humble but arrogant. I was being the scribe in the parable of the scribe and tax collector. And that is why we forgive because we all are equal in sin.
This is just what I needed today. Thank you! 🐳
Great post which really resonates with me. I spent too many years running away from God and justifying it to myself. It's easy to be seduced by the secular god of Self, when God doesn't match up to your expectations. He was right and I was very, very wrong.
We should chat on our Missio Dei channel about this. My story is so similar to yours and I think we can dive deep into the secular influences allure.
Yes! Definitely. I would so love to listen to a chat between you and Dave. The both of you are totally kindred spirits.