People don't listen the Bible preaching anymore because they think science trumps religion, which is impossible, since God created everything. The arrogance of humans is such that if they don't fully understand something with a science experiment, God must not be. But the new "God" of science is just manipulated crap these days. The science says covid blah, blah, blah, and also the science says evolution explains everything, blah, blah, blah, and the powers that be use science as a cover story for their evil agenda. Many are coming to see covid science is lies, and so is evolution science. If people can't make that connection and get back to God in a somewhat "scientific way" then this technology world will continue to dismiss God.
How about this for an argument? Whatever brought us into existence is responsible for creating the non-human entities in our skies. If evolution explains everything, like the UFO demons want us to believe, then the UFOs really are "highly evolved ancient alien-gods." But if some form of creationism is true, as in the universe is a matrix simulation of reality that only appears very old, and God fired up the program about 6000 years ago according to Genesis, then that is NOT enough time for evolution and these beings can only be demons, because the Bible (and just about ALL religious traditions) reveals much about dark forces, traditionally called Satan and his fallen angels. These beings CANNOT be Christ and His angels, because spirit beings do NOT need technology-type craft to fly, so this is a deception. So, the decision people have to make is what seems more credible, evolution "evidence" to explain otherworldly beings in a matrix designed to deceive the 5 senses and therefore would taint all this evolution "evidence", or simulation theory, philosophized almost as long as evolution theory, but flawed humans will soon build a better matrix computer world in a few short years, estimates range from 20-50 years (we already have virtual reality headset simulation ping-pong games so lifelike one cannot distinguish it from reality---just need to perfect things a little more). For this reason, simulation theory has greater direct evidence and therefore trumps evolution theory, and those who refuse to even consider UFOs are demons, demonstrate that they simply DO NOT want to acknowledge any God other than themselves. As Spock would say, "Logical decision, logically arrived at." Some believe the New World Order psychopaths (under the control of demons) already control this matrix technology (and other advanced technologies) and that is why Klaus Schwab is so confident his 2030 reset to worldwide communist dictatorship cannot be stopped, and he even openly writes about it in his book, "COVID-19: The Great Reset". Klaus Schwab also wrote "The Great Narrative", and the title is tacit admission that covid crap is just a cover story for his genocidal plans. I suggest to read the comments on Amazon and skip the dystopian insanity of the book.
People don't listen the Bible preaching anymore because they think science trumps religion, which is impossible, since God created everything. The arrogance of humans is such that if they don't fully understand something with a science experiment, God must not be. But the new "God" of science is just manipulated crap these days. The science says covid blah, blah, blah, and also the science says evolution explains everything, blah, blah, blah, and the powers that be use science as a cover story for their evil agenda. Many are coming to see covid science is lies, and so is evolution science. If people can't make that connection and get back to God in a somewhat "scientific way" then this technology world will continue to dismiss God.
How about this for an argument? Whatever brought us into existence is responsible for creating the non-human entities in our skies. If evolution explains everything, like the UFO demons want us to believe, then the UFOs really are "highly evolved ancient alien-gods." But if some form of creationism is true, as in the universe is a matrix simulation of reality that only appears very old, and God fired up the program about 6000 years ago according to Genesis, then that is NOT enough time for evolution and these beings can only be demons, because the Bible (and just about ALL religious traditions) reveals much about dark forces, traditionally called Satan and his fallen angels. These beings CANNOT be Christ and His angels, because spirit beings do NOT need technology-type craft to fly, so this is a deception. So, the decision people have to make is what seems more credible, evolution "evidence" to explain otherworldly beings in a matrix designed to deceive the 5 senses and therefore would taint all this evolution "evidence", or simulation theory, philosophized almost as long as evolution theory, but flawed humans will soon build a better matrix computer world in a few short years, estimates range from 20-50 years (we already have virtual reality headset simulation ping-pong games so lifelike one cannot distinguish it from reality---just need to perfect things a little more). For this reason, simulation theory has greater direct evidence and therefore trumps evolution theory, and those who refuse to even consider UFOs are demons, demonstrate that they simply DO NOT want to acknowledge any God other than themselves. As Spock would say, "Logical decision, logically arrived at." Some believe the New World Order psychopaths (under the control of demons) already control this matrix technology (and other advanced technologies) and that is why Klaus Schwab is so confident his 2030 reset to worldwide communist dictatorship cannot be stopped, and he even openly writes about it in his book, "COVID-19: The Great Reset". Klaus Schwab also wrote "The Great Narrative", and the title is tacit admission that covid crap is just a cover story for his genocidal plans. I suggest to read the comments on Amazon and skip the dystopian insanity of the book.