This is a very powerful and enlightening post. I think it's the first time I have realized that suffering can be a "mystery". I, too, want to find all the answers when I'm suffering, perhaps thinking that by knowing why, I could find some sort of consolation. But your article helped me to see that viewing suffering as a mystery can also give us comfort if we accept it with faith. God bless you and thanks for sharing! I will also share this post on Twitter.

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Thank you for your reply, Jocelyn! I definitely can relate to what you said about believing if I know the cause and reason for what’s going on, it could make me feel better. I feel like it’s similar to when I or my family have some random ailment, and I try to google symptoms to figure out what’s going on for peace of mind…which, as we all find out, google usually makes us think the worst is happening! While sometimes it is definitely helpful, I have learned that for the most part, I need to leave the frantic feeling of needing to solve the puzzle alone and turn to the Lord and let Him meet me in that place of unrest first. I often seek Him after I have exhausted my efforts, instead of realizing that I can partake of the inexhaustible peace that He offers us freely right then. It’s been a long process for me, and He is still teaching me how to seek Him in these times!

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Your insight and personal experience can help people undergoing difficult times! ❤

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Yes, indeed, Stephanie. You are spot on!

Many blessings and peace to you,


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Thank you for writing such a wonderful piece!

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Thank you for your encouragement, Scott! It is greatly appreciated! All praise to the Lord for His grace!

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All any of us really want is to be loved and to be happy. I read a book years ago by Merlin Carothers. I read it in an angry mood to placate my mother and frankly to get her of my back! After reading it, I was even more angry! Why? Because I didn't want to hear what the author was saying. But the message stayed with me and wouldn't leave me. His message, thank the Lord for evey problem, suffering and heartache! When I finally embraced his message (with skepticism at first) I knew love and joy and peace - really🕊

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It is a very bittersweet process. very bitter at first, then the sweetness comes with that joy and peace you mention! Our flesh does not like suffering, but our Spirit rejoices and is drawn close to the Lord in those times. Thank you for sharing, Kathleen!

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