
That part of the catechism about the Church's ultimate trial is very scary to me. It sounds unbearable. I try to daily pray, "Lord, give me the grace to love you more today than I did yesterday," and I hope I'll have enough grace when any time like that comes. I barely survived 2020, and that was just a trial run for the evil to come... :(

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I like what you wrote here - "We are not the only generation that feels the end of times is nearing, and our current trials only mean one thing: we must trust and seek Jesus even more honestly than before." The world worries about the end times approaching. The Christian rejoices! I like what St Augustine wrote from the office of readings today, "He who waits without anxiety waits without fear until his Lord comes. For what sort of love of Christ is it to fear His coming? Brothers, do we not have to blush for shame? We love Him, yet fear His coming. Are we really certain that we love him? Or do we love our sins more?" Fear not! Rejoice! Come Lord Jesus!

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Jonathon Fessenden, Deacon Mark Mueller

Thank you, Jonathan, these words need to be taught, be said. Jesus is not just an answer. He is the only answer, the only solution. In the words of Jesus, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me". He is it, the great " I am"!

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022Liked by Jonathon Fessenden

I just want to proclaim this;if you're having trouble with the Devil or what he throws out you-just say this to him;"Satan,you are a LOSER defeated on he Cross of Calvary two thousand years ago.I claim total victory over you and your demons by the Risen Christ and His Resurrection and by His shed blood!"Tell Satan to go to the pits of hell from which he came.Have Faith the Word will wok and it WILL work!

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