So many good nuggets here, thanks !

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Yes and amen!

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Great one and yes there is so much in God's creation that we take for granted.

"Prehistoric and endangered alligator snapping turtle, the size of an old VW bug cross the road…. NC is home to the Venus fly trap" Something I will never see here in SOCAL.

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True. You have species out there we don't have here though. If the politics and culture were better, it would be hard to imagine a more beautiful state.

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It's a great state though and yes we got the best weather but our governor is a liberal that I truly detest.

Most of the species I see here are just mostly coyotes, possums and rattle snakes on the summer.

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I think you have peccary - that is one we lack. There are also mountain goats in some areas, mule deer, etc.

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Yes deer, white tails, pheasants, black bears. Those who like to go bowhunting see them all the time I did see a peacock with her chicks once at a friends front yard.

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