Thanks, Jessica, it's good to keep priests in our prayers. Your great reflection leads me to want to discuss something deeper about understanding the Church and the priesthood both common and ministerial.
In your reflection you write, "Although God created His Church on earth, it was left in the care of man, who is sinful."
Typically, the Church as understood as an earthly institution sees priests as set aside from the laity. Of course, biblically set aside for service, but historically the development of the priesthood during the Patristic and Scholastic periods took on the models of the hierarchical power structures of the middle ages.
But you mention, "While we rely on our shepherds for guidance, we have only one Father and Master who guides us above all others. Clergy and laity alike follow the same Master and so are brothers, all serving one another, with none held above the other."
Your understanding here is the Church as understood as the Body of Christ with ultimately Christ as its head. The Body of Christ, aside from the institution, can differ from the earthly understanding as it takes on a mystical understanding of the Church, ultimately incorporating those outside (and inside) of the institution itself who are baptized Christians (sacramentally a sign), proclaim Christ, and serve humanity (Mt. 25). In fact, it is a great understanding of the baptized serving in the common priesthood.
Nonetheless, there is a recognition of the supernatural along with the mystical approach of understanding the Church as communion with one another, for which our priests are set aside by their consecration-- their soul imprinted and marked--they become alter Christus, for the means to provide the faithful as servants sacramental grace, visible signs of invisible grace. We cannot forget this distinction, it is a supernatural call from God, a daunting call by God; yes, so let us pray for them. We pray they can cultivate the virtue of humility to model our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. And we pray that we can all model our Lord.
Thanks, Jessica, it's good to keep priests in our prayers. Your great reflection leads me to want to discuss something deeper about understanding the Church and the priesthood both common and ministerial.
In your reflection you write, "Although God created His Church on earth, it was left in the care of man, who is sinful."
Typically, the Church as understood as an earthly institution sees priests as set aside from the laity. Of course, biblically set aside for service, but historically the development of the priesthood during the Patristic and Scholastic periods took on the models of the hierarchical power structures of the middle ages.
But you mention, "While we rely on our shepherds for guidance, we have only one Father and Master who guides us above all others. Clergy and laity alike follow the same Master and so are brothers, all serving one another, with none held above the other."
Your understanding here is the Church as understood as the Body of Christ with ultimately Christ as its head. The Body of Christ, aside from the institution, can differ from the earthly understanding as it takes on a mystical understanding of the Church, ultimately incorporating those outside (and inside) of the institution itself who are baptized Christians (sacramentally a sign), proclaim Christ, and serve humanity (Mt. 25). In fact, it is a great understanding of the baptized serving in the common priesthood.
Nonetheless, there is a recognition of the supernatural along with the mystical approach of understanding the Church as communion with one another, for which our priests are set aside by their consecration-- their soul imprinted and marked--they become alter Christus, for the means to provide the faithful as servants sacramental grace, visible signs of invisible grace. We cannot forget this distinction, it is a supernatural call from God, a daunting call by God; yes, so let us pray for them. We pray they can cultivate the virtue of humility to model our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. And we pray that we can all model our Lord.
Thank you for expanding on the reflection in such a helpful way, Phillip.