I sing bass in my church choir (Church of England (Anglican. Episcopalian in USA) and feel closest to God when singing whether it be chanting psalms, singing hymns, the magnificat and nunc dimitis, or an anthem like Ave Maria (and hundreds of others), and cannot help but feel joyful afterwards. There is something unique about singing.
I sing bass in my church choir (Church of England (Anglican. Episcopalian in USA) and feel closest to God when singing whether it be chanting psalms, singing hymns, the magnificat and nunc dimitis, or an anthem like Ave Maria (and hundreds of others), and cannot help but feel joyful afterwards. There is something unique about singing.
Our feelings inform our intelect, and we make informed decisions. We must critique our feelings to determine what is worthy of our choice.
Amen! This needs to be shouted from the roof tops!!