
This document is extremely problematic. This article states, "The Declaration recognizes the pastoral need to respond to those who, despite living in situations contrary to Christian moral norms, humbly seek blessings. It explicitly states that an ordained minister may consent to bless two people, even in irregular situations, while avoiding any elements resembling a marriage rite. "

However, to bless people living in same-sex relationships (or illicit relationships, in the case of divorced but not annulled) is basically saying that their lifestyle is ok with the Church, not a sin, and there is no need for fraternal correction. Rather, they can be blessed in their sin. This is against biblical teaching and, of course Church teaching. How can someone "humbly seek blessings" while still living in a same-sex relationship? That is not being humble and seeking to overcome sinful attractions; rather, it's being blatant in sinning and expecting a blessing in return. If a person is truly seeking blessings as a way of reaching out to God, they would first discontinue their sinful lifestyle, then go on to seek blessings. In that case a priest would be blessing an individual, not an alternative couple.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Jenny duBay, Christina M. Sorrentino, Deacon Mark Mueller

I think Fr Bailley and Jenny du Bay make excellent points! It is true Pope Francis does sow confusion and even doubt about the Catholic Faith. It is never clear what exactly he is saying or means. I originally made a positive comment earlier, but after I read the Pope's words myself, then I was confused by him. I prayed about this much of the day yesterday, it seems from him I am listening to circular talk, like listening to a lawyer. We come away with more not less questions.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Jenny duBay, Christina M. Sorrentino


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My pastor was saying like can a blessing make it clear the union is not blessed by including repentance in the blessing? There are no guidelines or anything and it’s just open to interpretation by each priest, which is definitely problematic. If a same sex couple is blessed the blessing should make it clear their relationship is not being validated and they are being blessed to help them receive the grace to amend their sinful lifestyle.

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Bergoglio continues to sow chaos and confusion. Chaos and confusion are not of God, they are of Satan. This was best elucidated by St. Ignatius in the Spiritual Exercises. This declaration is highly problematic.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Christina M. Sorrentino

Indeed! He never make things cleAr and simple! Totally the other way around. Helping the enemy of the church with more emunition. Why? He's not a dumb man !

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There seems to be an agenda sadly. And because he is smart one would think he would know this document will be abused and misinterpreted by far left priests to go ahead despite what the document says and bless same sex unions. Fr. James Martin did it today. If a priest is giving a blessing to the individuals and not the union hand holding should not be involved because that shows approval and support of the union which the Church cannot do.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Kelly Ann Tallent

Thank you! This makes it easier to understand and presents a different picture than the secular press tries to present.

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If you intent is consonant with the Vatican's, this clarification should be coming from official sources in response to apparent mis-reporting and not simply from the church body.

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Agreed, there definitely needs to be better clarification in this response to a dubia. It should not be coming from the laity.

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I don’t agree with this move because give an inch, and they take a mile. But the Church can never bless sin. Sadly, it will be misinterpreted, and lead to far left leaning priests blessing same sex unions, and causing scandal. And discussing this with a seminarian friend what does the blessing involve? Doesn’t holding hands mean the blessing would seem to show approval or support of the union? I’m simply reporting on what the document is illustrating to us, but I personally do not agree with it, especially right before Christmas. It seems imprudent.

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Thank you for writing this. I appreciate the clarification!

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What many people mistake for someone being or acting as a homosexual is,say in my case,someone who, instead ,is the victim of feminine hatred or jealousy.Whether this is a result,as some say,witchcraft or a hex,is not really clear.

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“In such cases a blessing may be imparted that not only has an ascending value but also involves the invocation of a blessing that descends from God upon those who — recognizing themselves to be destitute and in need of His help — do not claim a legitimation of their own status, but who beg that all that is true, good, and humanly valid in their lives and their relationships be enriched, healed, and elevated by the presence of the Holy Spirit.”

Seems asking for a blessing, then, is asking for God’s help to live in His truth, not your own individual truth. What is God's truth with respect to human relationships between people of the same sex? Wouldn't the Holy Spirit's presence 'enrich, heal, and elevate' the lives and relationship of those in a same sex union by opening the hearts and minds of the couple to understanding that they are living in sin? Would they be getting a blessing they think they want and understand - or a blessing they need?

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