
Awesome article. I could not agree more about your approach. Jesus did not isolate himself from the world, He entered it and loved it with all its disfunction. He called it to convert! We can’t proclaim Gospel without going to Samaria.

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Maybe I am wrong, but I suspect the above article will not be popular among many Catholics. But Deacon, I have taught catechesis for a long time & kids come in, sit in a class room, and once they receive their sacraments I never see them or their parents again. I know, I know there is a supernatural aspect of grace--but there is a practical element too. And we need to find ways for both kids and their parents to engage in activity within parish life.

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Completely agree. Kids need to see effect of grace on adults they respect. Again, we cannot afford to withdraw from the culture but … change it.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Phillip Hadden, Jonathon Fessenden

Hey Phillip, I really appreciate the POV. This has been something I’ve been mulling as my boys get older. There’s basically 3 buckets: BSA, Trail Life USA, and then everything else.

I’ve waffled between them but I’ll need to commit next year. Thank you for giving me more to chew on!

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I thought about it for a long time. And I came to this conclusion: The Boy Scouts of America has a century’s worth of infrastructure that none of those other organizations will ever possess.

I am an Eagle Scout of the Boy Scouts of America, it is my duty to see to the future of scouting. It, so to speak, is my birth right to help shape the future of it.

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I think the chartering through the diocese is a detail a lot of Catholics overlook and I’m glad you mentioned it. It’s a “firewall” in many ways.

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Yes. A Catholic unit operates as part of the parish’s youth ministry. It may interest you to read my diocese’s document on Scouting.


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Hi Phillip, thanks for linking me. I appreciated reading your post. Please know that the article you referenced is not published by me or by Good Distinctions; I did write it for Catholic-Link at the bequest of the editor but my thoughts have shifted on the subject. It was posted years ago and while it was my opinion at the time, I have softened my approach. Just wanted to update you. I am more inclined to your viewpoint these days. Anyway, just felt it worthwhile to mention this. Good luck to the new Pack and Troop.

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Thanks for commenting, Will. I just searched for an article that differed from my opinion on google for dialectic purposes. I found yours & said I know that guy.

Anyway, I am glad your opinion has shifted on The Boy Scouts of America. You should be a part of the program & help shape its future. You’re an Eagle Scout, as I’ve said above it’s your birthright so to speak.

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Why burden parents with yet another time and monetary obligation and the church with more liability, just to create another co-ed youth group? If it has to do with the spectrum of activities involved and you feel it needs it’s own space, why not just create another youth group centered around “scout like” activities? Why bring in a third party?

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