
Personally, I believe Aquinas and Augustine rather than Balthasar on Hell. But I don’t live in fear of it. I don’t think any committed Christians should either. What I say to a classroom is that we need to cultivate the theological virtues faith, Hope, and love. We need to go to mass, frequent the sacraments, do works of charity, and trust the Lord in His justice.

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I just got Missio DEO yesterday and enjoyed MM TUCKER'S missive. KELLY ANN TALLENT'S I took somewhat of an exception to;;;; God which is in side us, is not a PUNISHING GOD, with a fear of HELL guiding our actions --however when we come from LOVE COMPASSION AND MOST OF ALL FORGIVENESS OF OURSELVES AND OTHERS, (like the DALAI LAMA states); we discover the essence of heaven or Nirvana in our daily lives. SO BE IT W TUCKER CLARK 5/11//2022 7:30AM

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