Sep 26, 2023Liked by Judson Carroll

It is very inaccurate to speak of Jews and Christians as belonging to a different faith. We belong to the same faith. Christianity is the child, and Judaism who is the mother faith. Jesus said I have not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets, which was a short cut way of saying Judaism, but to complete it, fulfill it. What is more every sin and mistake that Jews, leaders and people have ever made, has also been committed by Christian leaders and people. So we are not superior to Jews. If you read Paul closely, you find he remained a faithful Jew, who believed in and loved the Lord Jesus. Jesus too remained a faithful Jew. We Christians, on the other hand, have not always been so faithful to the Lord. As Jesus said take the log from your own eye before taking the stick from another's eye.

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I did not say that in this article. I said that the Jewish understanding of the Fatherhood of God was different than the Christian understanding.

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