Aug 25, 2023Liked by Deacon Mark Mueller, Carter Carruthers

Some thoughts: It’s so hard to trust that Divine Justice will take care of things. Our sinful nature cries out for revenge and restitution, but that is not for us. Vengeance belongs to God alone, yet we want it for ourselves. We want to exact justice. We want those who hurt us to pay. We must fight against it. We are not God. We cannot know all the details. This does not mean we shouldn’t receive justice. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pursue justice or fight for justice. We must render to each what is his due. But we must never be vengeful. God is in charge and He will repay.

How’s that for a convoluted comment? 😁

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023Liked by Carter Carruthers

I agree with you, Fr. Scott... Sometimes, I watch those movies where the good person is done wrong, but of course, that person takes the law into their own hands, and as you wrote our sinful nature cries out for revenge. But every time I watch something like that, I can't help but say, yeah, now the person taking the revenge has just committed a trail of sins. Perhaps 1 Peter 3:17 "For it is better to suffer for doing good if that be the will of God, than for doing evil."

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Deacon Mark Mueller, Carter Carruthers

This is so true. There was an elderly lady I helped by taking her to the doctors, for hair cuts etc. She was truly the most unhappy, bitter and unforgiving person I have ever known. She trusted no one, and constantly moaned that folks were very unkind to her. folks tried very hard to be nice to her and help, but would eventually give up and stop helping. She used this as proof that people were basically cruel. I tried my best to help her see things and people differently, to understand why they avoided her. She would not budge and sadly died in her anger. It truly was so sad to watch all this!

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Carter Carruthers

Carter, thank you for writing this. I have been dealing with someone who did me wrong, and I was unsure how to handle it. Waiting on God's justice and saying to myself ahh one day they will learn also did not make me feel much better. Instead, I have been praying for the person to just recognize their error and repent because truly, we want all of mankind to enter the gates of heaven. In the meantime, I also have to make sure I avoid sin and stay away from things that pull me from God. Thanks for your article today.

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Your very welcome and God be Praised! Sometimes the best things said are to oneself, I think I needed this as much as anyone else.

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I like your "sin equals spiritual suicide" comment... Perhaps that is what ought to be in the Catechism ... It is that simple. Thanks!

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