I think Jesus was totally serious when He said he who is without sin cast the first stone! We apply that to pharisaical folks, but do we apply it to ourselves?

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Excellent post, Dave. I definitely agree with your overall point, but the comparison to McCarthyism raises some interesting questions. Do you think censorship or "cancelling" is ever right? For example, in the Middle Ages many heretical books were destroyed, and even many Catholic schools today will not hire people or will fire them if they violate Church teaching. Even McCarthy, according to my own studies at least, was generally right in his accusations and actually underestimated the influence of Communism in America at the time (as the 60s and 70s show). This "absolute of free speech" issue can be difficult, especially when the government gets involved.

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Thanks, Kaleb. My piece doesn’t address free speech specifically. But the first amendment prohibits government censorship. A Catholic school is a private organization, though, which is different. Saying you can’t hold heretical beliefs and teach there isn’t censorship because the person can still teach heretical things somewhere else. But trying to impact other parts of the person’s life, particularly with a falsehood like”he’s a Satanist,” would be wrong.

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Pointing the finger doesn’t save any souls, including our own. Catholics will have much to answer for. Of those who are given much, much will be required.

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