Interview w/ Zachary King-Former Satanist Turned Catholic
Jonathon interviews Zachary who Explains Satanism & God's Presence In the Eucharist Pt. 1
Zachary King discusses the behind the scences workings of satanism and how the power of the Eucharist and God's love is our greatest victory.
Please Support Zachary King @ All Saints Ministry Podcast
Zachary's Book-@
Great interview. Some of this I knew, but to actually hear it from a former Satanist, just wow!
You have committed a public sin and an appropriate next step would be a public confession/apology and an act of reparation. Be sure to include reparation for all the times in your life that you've sinned in this way. Since it came so easily from your mouth this time, I assume there are plenty more instances. Name your sin, say a Glory Be in reparation, and end with 3 exclamations that glorify Jesus' name. This is what I do every time I have the misfortune to witness this particular common blasphemy. Let those of us who heard this from you hear also your act of reparation. THEN don't forget to take it to confession, pray for help in removing this from your vocabulary, and make efforts to keep this misuse out of the mouths of others. I am done with my admonishment.
PS: It is not lost on me that you were interviewing a former satanist and satan was in your mouth.