May 5, 2023Liked by John Tuttle, Missio Dei Catholic

This is great. I will be using this with my students. Nice presentation.

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Thanks Jonathon!

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Good article. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

Why Catholics are even looking at Protestant websites is beyond me. As a priest I find that the average Catholic today is not well grounded in the Faith as found in Scripture and Tradition. In speaking with them they are more Protestant than Catholic in their beliefs. That the majority of Catholics don’t believe in transubstantiation or have even heard of it, and that our churches are empty illustrate this. This failure has numerous factors but the fault lies primarily with pastors who are charged with instructing people in the faith through preaching and overseeing religious education programs.

Given this failure in Catholic education or catechism instruction, Catholics should never look to Protestant authored books, websites, podcasts, etc. They should be avoided. Even the average priest doesn’t have a sufficient grasp of philosophy and theology to use them. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard priests and deacons preach non-Catholic teaching in sermons.

There was great wisdom in times past when we were forbidden to read or listen to Protestants. The Index and the imprimatur existed for a reason. They safeguarded Truth. Now we have few safeguards, especially given access to the internet and the overwhelming inability to discern truth from lies and fiction.

I don’t have a solution. I’m not sure there is one at this point. But I think we need to be humble and honest with ourselves, acknowledging that looking to Protestant sources is unacceptable for most Catholics today. They don’t have the necessary knowledge and skills to discern subtle errors. It’s not their fault. They’re not stupid or ignorant. They were never taught, and you don’t know what you don’t know. We need more articles like this one to guide people in the search for the One who is Truth.

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I get the vibe they are trying to dimsiss or take a job at the Catholic Priest or (Catholicism in general) who developed the Big Bang theory. Saying the theory came out of atheism is very broad and leaves out all the influence Fr. Georges brings to the table.

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It was a great show. The cast was too funny! No, wait...🤔

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