Walking with my Missio Dei brothers and sisters is encouraging indeed. I just realized something. Jesus had to go into the desert alone. We have each other - and every other Catholic in the world who is called to the same walk during the same time.
Very true. I do remember that the angels ministered to Him, but it seems that was after temptation. He did what we cannot. But I do believe he brought our humanity in the desert with Him.
I had to come back and read this again as it is Friday and I was feeling a little weak in my lenten journey. But your words gave me strength today and reminded me that "Christ overcame the temptations and difficulties of the Desert through a relationship with the Father." I will keep seeking to build my relationship. Bless you Fr. Chris
Walking with my Missio Dei brothers and sisters is encouraging indeed. I just realized something. Jesus had to go into the desert alone. We have each other - and every other Catholic in the world who is called to the same walk during the same time.
Very true. I do remember that the angels ministered to Him, but it seems that was after temptation. He did what we cannot. But I do believe he brought our humanity in the desert with Him.
Thank you, Fr Chris, very encouraging!
I had to come back and read this again as it is Friday and I was feeling a little weak in my lenten journey. But your words gave me strength today and reminded me that "Christ overcame the temptations and difficulties of the Desert through a relationship with the Father." I will keep seeking to build my relationship. Bless you Fr. Chris