There is always the thought that I can do it better ... until I have to do it better. Then what seemed so simple becomes very complex. Agree- “Teamwork and diplomacy accomplish a lot more than complaining.” I wish more people would embrace this idea. When we couch everything in terms of winning or losing, we can never get anything done.
This is great! I often have to remind myself that I am not the savior Jesus is. I have to remind myself frequently to pray :not my will but thy will be done"!
There is always the thought that I can do it better ... until I have to do it better. Then what seemed so simple becomes very complex. Agree- “Teamwork and diplomacy accomplish a lot more than complaining.” I wish more people would embrace this idea. When we couch everything in terms of winning or losing, we can never get anything done.
This is great! I often have to remind myself that I am not the savior Jesus is. I have to remind myself frequently to pray :not my will but thy will be done"!
That makes most of us if not only two of us ;)