Jan 13Liked by Chantal LaFortune

I get up each morning and start my day with my Lectio Devina. This includes reading reflections from several sources including Missio Dei. This morning while I was waiting for today’s Missio Dei reflection to drop in my Substack feed I went to last year’s reflection (1/14/23). Your reflection, “He calls each one of us, but we cannot accept His call unless we recognize ourselves as sinners. Only then can we, like St. Matthew, get up and follow Christ” really spoke to me. It was an important reminder of the need for humility in my life. I need to be humble, recognize my own sinfulness, in order to follow Christ and have a deeper relationship with him. Thank you for your reflection on today’s Gospel - one year later 🙏

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Chantal LaFortune

Thank you for such a powerful message! You’re right… not one of us is sinless and I pray every day to please God. I look forward to your articles Chantal! Each and every one has so much meaning to me!! Thank you! ❤️

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Aw, thank you so much! ❤️

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Chantal LaFortune

Guilty as charged! I am very good at seeing others sins and faults, but not my own. I am very good at seeing my virtues and good points but not others. What struck me most in your reflection is that I cannot follow Jesus until I see and acknowledge first to myself then to God my sins. What struck me in the Bible passage for today is that its not hopeless. Jesus came to heal me and set me free so I can follow Him and serve others in His name. Thanks be to God!🙏🕊

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