I appreciate this article because I've been intending to read Sheen's Life of Christ for years, and have read portions of it; but mainly my copy has collected more dust than reading time. The book was a favourite of my grandmother's, a woman who was my spiritual mentor and who I now consider a saint (she would have turned 95 yesterday). Now I feel inspired to do a bit of dusting and start reading!

Sheen's book can be my summer "beach read." What a better way to enjoy God's world than to sit on the beach with a book that's actually worthwhile (to say the least)!

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I pulled the book off of my shelf, and I am revisiting it. This book has always helped me go deeper into my faith.

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My dearly beloved( wife, boss) and I read B Sheen’s Life of Christ some years ago. When my wife’s mother died our pastor joined us at table in the social hall. The conversation got around to this book. The Monsignor snorted on derision and dropping his head uttered ‘ Bishop Sheen’ in a ridiculing tone. He is now retired. Think what troubles have beset our Church when a homosexual Cardinal eliminates B Sheen's number one TV show and the flower power era priests treat this man with ridicule. B Sheen prophesied a false Church rising within our poor suffering Church and that the laity( not the corrupt clergy) would save the Church. How could he know? The Holy Spirit.

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