This is really beautiful. How sorely we often miss the mark when we perceive injustice and moral cowardice.

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Thank you, Isa! God bless your work in "Created Female"!

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Feb 11Liked by Kaleb Hammond

Wonderful reflection Kaleb, as always, but so sad. How could we have so gravely and seriously lost our way? I pray that we have a renewal of epic proportions, can refrain from any type of negative blaming/finger-pointing and ask for forgiveness and strength to move on.

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Thank you, Al. I sincerely pray that too.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11Liked by Kaleb Hammond

Kaleb, thank you so much for your reflection. A cradle Catholic, who walked away from the Church, I returned almost two years ago, at the tail end of this time. So, I never experienced mandatory masking, or parish closure, or anything else that may have taken place. Furthermore, several months later, the offering of the Precious Blood was restored. I don't recall ever drinking the Blood of Christ previously. For myself, in my recommitment to Christ (or, rather: true commitment for the first time), the Mass has been and is an experience of astounding mercy and grace. The pandemic was a terrible, evil time, and I pray that we, and our leaders, can reflect on what truly took place. Indeed as you say: "Like the leper in our Gospel today, we must all kneel before God and beg Him to make us clean, in every sense." Grace and peace to you all.

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Thank you for sharing your story, Jane, and God bless your return to Christ. Thankfully you did not have to experience the pandemic time, and hopefully never will. I believe all true Catholics are converts, even if they were raised in the Faith, since once we reach the age of reason and especially when we're adults, we must voluntarily choose to follow Christ, without our parents or anyone else making us. You are proof of this. God bless!

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I agree with you - there comes a time when we must choose for ourselves! Thank you for your kind words. God bless you!

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