As her spiritual children, Mary has been with us all since her first all-giving fiat (Luke 1:38). Even in modern times she continues to appear to us in order to console, warn, and convert souls to Christ.
My grandmother lost her mother when she was 4 years of age. Her father did not remarry until she was 12. She became very close to her stepmother, but this marriage resulted in a family of 6 kids, herself and two siblings, one child from her stepmom first marriage (her 1st husband died at sea) and two children from this new marriage. It became my grandmother's job to assist in raising the younger children. My grandmother once remarked to me when I was a teen that she never really knew what it was like to to be mothered, to have a mother. Flash ahead to many years later when I was a Mum myself and my grandmother had passed on. I am at Mass, and it was simply another day. Then as I was praying before Mass, I suddenly saw Our Blessed Mother and in her arms was my grandmother. Mary was rocking her back and forth, caressing her as mother does a child. I could see my grandmother's pain, sorrow and lack of motherly love being healed before my eyes! To this day I cannot tell this story without crying. I have tears in my eyes now, tears of joy!
Now flash ahead again to late 1970's, my husband, 4 kids and I are returning home from visiting my folks. As we passed through Glen Cove, midcoast Maine, one of my kids said, " there is a lady in the sky with long blue clothes snd she is waving at us". My husband said its clouds shaped like a lady, but there were no clouds in the sky, and when I turned to look there was a lady in the sky, and she wasn't waving. She had her hands out in a blessing. I asked my husband to pull over and he did. My husband went to Mass at this time just to please me. However, he saw Blessed Mary too. It shooked him up! The next day many folks were talking about the lady in the sky, thus others saw her too! Several Episcopalians converted to Catholicism. Now these were not reported to the bishop, so I can't prove any of this. But I have seen clouds form all kinds of shapes usually animals. Nothing ever looked like this! There is nothing cloud like about it. I leave it to you to believe as you wish, but one is never the same ever when this happens! I was in my 20's when these two appearances happened. I am 76 now, and I still tear up and get goose bumps when I think of it!
I am on a roll so let me add this. Our Mother did not look European as she does in statues and paintings. She had olive skin, black hair (I could see a small amount under her veil) and very Jewish features or Middle Eastern features. I once saw a picture of the wife of an Arab prince on TV, and she looked very much like Our Blessed Mother.
What a beautiful story. Thank you for writing it. My Grandpa, a Protestant married to my Catholic Grandmother, told of how, when he was sick at the end of his life, he saw a "beautiful lady" on the "other side of the river" from him. She was waving. He subsequently converted to Catholicism before his death. My Grandma and their twelve children were praying for his conversion.
My grandmother lost her mother when she was 4 years of age. Her father did not remarry until she was 12. She became very close to her stepmother, but this marriage resulted in a family of 6 kids, herself and two siblings, one child from her stepmom first marriage (her 1st husband died at sea) and two children from this new marriage. It became my grandmother's job to assist in raising the younger children. My grandmother once remarked to me when I was a teen that she never really knew what it was like to to be mothered, to have a mother. Flash ahead to many years later when I was a Mum myself and my grandmother had passed on. I am at Mass, and it was simply another day. Then as I was praying before Mass, I suddenly saw Our Blessed Mother and in her arms was my grandmother. Mary was rocking her back and forth, caressing her as mother does a child. I could see my grandmother's pain, sorrow and lack of motherly love being healed before my eyes! To this day I cannot tell this story without crying. I have tears in my eyes now, tears of joy!
Now flash ahead again to late 1970's, my husband, 4 kids and I are returning home from visiting my folks. As we passed through Glen Cove, midcoast Maine, one of my kids said, " there is a lady in the sky with long blue clothes snd she is waving at us". My husband said its clouds shaped like a lady, but there were no clouds in the sky, and when I turned to look there was a lady in the sky, and she wasn't waving. She had her hands out in a blessing. I asked my husband to pull over and he did. My husband went to Mass at this time just to please me. However, he saw Blessed Mary too. It shooked him up! The next day many folks were talking about the lady in the sky, thus others saw her too! Several Episcopalians converted to Catholicism. Now these were not reported to the bishop, so I can't prove any of this. But I have seen clouds form all kinds of shapes usually animals. Nothing ever looked like this! There is nothing cloud like about it. I leave it to you to believe as you wish, but one is never the same ever when this happens! I was in my 20's when these two appearances happened. I am 76 now, and I still tear up and get goose bumps when I think of it!
Wow! What a story! Thank you so, so much for sharing this. She's always looking out for us, her children!
I am on a roll so let me add this. Our Mother did not look European as she does in statues and paintings. She had olive skin, black hair (I could see a small amount under her veil) and very Jewish features or Middle Eastern features. I once saw a picture of the wife of an Arab prince on TV, and she looked very much like Our Blessed Mother.
What a beautiful story. Thank you for writing it. My Grandpa, a Protestant married to my Catholic Grandmother, told of how, when he was sick at the end of his life, he saw a "beautiful lady" on the "other side of the river" from him. She was waving. He subsequently converted to Catholicism before his death. My Grandma and their twelve children were praying for his conversion.
That's an amazing and wonderful testimony, MaryAnne. Thank you for sharing it!
Thank you, Jenny.