Woke up feeling guilty. Not about anything in particular, just not good. Why? Too distracted. Ignoring Him. I need to listen to my conscience. This substack clarifies for me what is happening. What indeed are my sins - the prime one being not getting my strength, discernment, focus and reason for being from him. I do ask the Holy Spirit to come daily and show me how to live and how to pray. Then I offer my day in thanks and reparation, but I my days bear little fruit (according to his Will) which is the proof of my submission to him. I don’t follow through by examining my life in the evenings. I want to hear him in the whispers of my heart. I want to be awake! At this moment at any rate. 🥹 When I look at all I have to do I am defeated. That is not the end- all, not my purpose. Why do I desire anything other than to serve him? Be in him? Abide in him? But, WHEN I turn towards the sun, naturally, like a flower, I am enthused! I see past the veil of this world. I am on fire for him, and through him.

Today (right here, right now, this moment) may I let myself be vulnerable, sensitive, and in love. Today may I stop to hear the voice of God, recognize him in everything, seek him in everything, turn towards him, rely on Him. Choose life everlasting. Amen

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Thank you for sharing! God desires us to rely on Him. We all need that reminder. God bless you.

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Amen Donna, and thank you for your honesty. We are in a spiritual battle daily. God bless, and you inspired me to pray my Rosary.

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Thought provoking , helpful and inspiring!

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