Excellent. I love your reflections and articles, Judson.

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Thank you!

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You remind me of my Dad. He loved animals. We always had pets. As a policeman, he took joy in arresting animal abusers and finding good homes for the animals. He also said folks who treat their animals as human beings were abusers who failed to allow the animals to be as God made them. This caused idenity confusion for the animal not allowing them to act as their God given instincts instructed them, not allowing them to be themselves. My Dad was a hunter too. He was taught by the Indians how to hunt and kill in a respectful, merciful manor. My Dad was all about kindness, gentleness, respectfulnes to animals. Anyway I won't go on and on. You have already said it perfectly, Judson!

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thanks! Yes, I agree with your dad's views. We seem to have lost a lot of common sense and balance in the way people interact with nature.

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Yes, indeed we have!

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Judson, this is a great article. I am reading it thoroughly, and I think your last sentence really sums up how unbalanced we have become. Personally I would love to get more connected to nature, and spend less time on my computer. You are a blessing to Missio Dei. Thank you

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Thanks, Jonathon - it is always my pleasure! My last average frost date is May 1, so I am about to have a whole lot of dirt under my fingernails as I plant the spring garden... and, trout season!

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