Thorough and clear. I was struck by the efficacy of all the “theories” especially when combined.

Intriguing to me is the confusion of one theory based wholly on the disregard for Satan. We must not disregard anything allowed by God. There are no accidental intersections or interventions in any part of our universe.

I must admit the difficulty in categorising salvation in this way. Yet, the truth of it, the weight of that truth, drives me to review this over and over.

I so appreciate your summary.

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Thank you, John, for your feedback and analysis. Although my reflection this morning was a bit of a read length-wise, I thought it important to provide a detailed summary of such an important issue that I think many either do not concern themselves with, or in some shape or form take for granted. There is a rich dialogue among many Fathers and Doctors of the Church over centuries that has dealt with this central issue in our faith as Catholics, and I thought a summary would be a worthwhile endeavor.

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