“The Pharisees came forward and began to argue with him, seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him. He sighed from the depth of his spirit and said, ‘Why does this generation seek a sign? Amen, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.’ Then he left them, got into the boat again, and went off to the other shore.” (Mark 8:11-13 NABRE)
The Pharisees wanted a sign from Jesus that would prove to them exactly Who He was. They were not content with His works and teachings, and desired that He do something else for them. They wanted Him to perform a sign that they accepted as from Heaven, because they did not trust what Jesus had already been doing.
We often exhibit similar attitudes in our relationship with the Lord.
Sometimes God does not answer our prayers in the way that we want Him to. Sometimes we are not satisfied with what He is doing in our lives, and we simply do not like, or accept, His will for us. We do not always entirely trust Him, and we desire that He do something else for us.
Like the Pharisees, though Jesus is present before us, we shake our heads in denial of His will, and try to negotiate with Him.
We pray for things to be different, and we so easily doubt our Lord and fall into desperation when things don’t work out the way we want them to, or think they should.
How often do we cause the Lord to sigh from the depth of His spirit because of this?
Today Jesus is telling you, “My child, I am with you always. Why do you doubt? Trust in me and I will deliver you. I love you.”
So, do not be like the Pharisees who doubted the Lord and were not satisfied with His ways! Rather, in all things, trust in Jesus and His will for your life!
Thank you, Lexis, I needed to hear this today!🙏🕊