Greetings Missio Dei Subscribers!
I hope all of you are having a very blest Advent season preparing for the coming of the Christ child! I want to give my heartfelt thanks to all of the subscribers of Missio Dei. The support from our subscribers keeps Missio Dei alive & allows us to be the alternative of Catholic publications. Missio Dei is not hyper-focused on the day to day dealings of the Vatican; but rather, focused on our charism—the Proclamation of the Gospel.
In the past, I have sent emails to the writers to keep them informed about our the plans for carrying out the charism of Missio Dei. After some discussion with
How does your support help Missio Dei to fulfill its charism!?
The monetary support we received from our subscribers paid for the professional editing for Missio Dei’s book The Eucharistic Revival Project. The support also helped us send a copy of the book to every Bishop in the United States of America through our publisher. We’re focused on proclaiming the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ & we take that mission seriously here.
One medium for carrying out our charism is the Missio Dei YouTube Channel. Jonathon has been working hard trying to get our supporters new guests to explore the Catholic faith. Please subscribe & hit the bell to support his great work on YouTube. Check out Jonathon’s latest video on The Past & Present Face of Existentialism.
And Don’t forget to check out Jonathon’s interview with Monique & Joseph Gonzalez on their new book Guadalupe and The Flower World Prophecy; one of the truly unique Catholic thesis currently today on God preparing for the apparition in the ancient Americas & its conversion to Christianity.
I want to give a shout out to all of our writers who participate with the bread and butter of Missio Dei—The Daily Gospel Reflections. These writers, arguably, are the foundation of Missio Dei. So, thank you: Lexis, Jane, Andrew, Kaleb, Chantal, Dcn. Mueller, & Judson.
And, a special thanks to Jenny DuBay, who serves as the Copy Editor for Missio Dei. Please check out her ministry
There are a lot of great writers at Missio Dei, so we’ll be exploring more of their work in the future. Don’t forget to follow on Twitter to catch her latest work & make sure to follow on Substack to see his informative notes on the faith daily.
So, what’s new for Missio Dei?
In the next coming month, in celebration of our 2-year anniversary, we will be recording & releasing our first (of hopefully several) 6-week lecture series for paid supporters of Missio Dei. We’re hoping to cover topics such as Thomas Aquinas, Methods of Scripture Interpretation, Spiritual Warfare plus more!
We are also doing a book giveaway for all of our paid supporters. We will be drawing & giving away two copies of The Eucharistic Revival Project at the end of December.
Subscribe today & don’t miss out!
Phillip Hadden
Founding Editor
May God and the Blessed Virgin bless your mission to proclaim the Word!