Shine With the Light of the Lord
Gospel Reflection for September 23, 2024
“No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light. Take care, then, how you hear. To anyone who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he seems to have will be taken away.” (Lk. 8:16-18 NABRE)
Have you ever randomly met someone of the same faith and got talking together about God? Have you ever randomly witnessed someone perform a kind and loving act? Have you ever had someone compliment you from their heart?
Any such experiences often fill us with peace, unity, joy, and encouragement. When we come across those who are like-minded, and people who share their faith and the love and light of God with us and others, we can’t help but to feel so uplifted. Unexpected conversations with others about our faith, and random acts of love and kindness, are like rays of light in the dark that ground us, encourage us, and inspire us to do the same. Such moments remind us not to get absorbed in the chaos of our lives, but to focus on what matters.
Today’s Gospel reminds us again to be the light of God in the world!! It can be so easy to get caught up in going through the motions of our busy lives. Maybe we feel tired, stressed, worried, or whatever it might be. But as Christians, we must remember that we have God to carry us through!! His very Holy Spirit is living within us to strengthen, lead, support, and guide us in our lives.
There are so many people, however, who DO NOT have Jesus in their lives, and they do not have the same hope and support that we do.
As such, we are called to allow God to use us as His instruments to pour out His graces upon others. We are filled with His Holy Spirit and we are called to be the Lord’s light by sharing His love, kindness, peace, and joy with others through our words and actions. In doing so, others will come to know the love of Jesus.
So may we not hide the fruits of the Spirit which we have received from God, but rather allow them to shine forth upon the world so as to spread the light of the Lord!!
Beautiful reminder!
Thank you Lexis for being a loght!