Preparation for Advent
Gospel Reflection for Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
Today’s gospel is part of a series this week of Our Lord delivering what is called the Olivet Discourse, which can also be found in longer form in Matthew 24 and 25. The larger narrative surrounds Our Lord’s prophecy that the Temple would be destroyed, which does come to pass in AD 70 when the Roman Emperor Vespasian sends his armies to quell a Jewish revolt. During this assault on Jerusalem, the Temple fell for a decisive time and the Jewish people were expelled from Jerusalem.
For the Jewish people as well as the Christians in the first century, this event is an apocalyptic reality. The people of this time certainly felt as though the world was coming to an end, and the Christians, even more so, were expecting the second coming of Christ. Even at the time of Christ’s prophecy, almost forty years prior to the events, the people listening to Him would have been shocked to hear Him claim that the Temple would be destroyed.
It is fitting that the reading of this discourse, one intimately tied to the expected second coming, is read in the days leading up to Advent. As a season, Advent is a time of penitential preparation. While it is common to see it as a time of preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas, and this is certainly a component of it, it is not the only thing we are preparing for. Advent, in its fullest sense, is a preparation for the second coming of Christ. This is part of the beauty of Advent. It is a two-fold preparation in which we prepare for the joy of Christmas as well as the awe of the second coming. This is why the Church has always journeyed through Advent in penance. The faithful are called to do penance to prepare themselves for the second coming.
It is in the midst of this overall narrative that we find today’s gospel, accompanying the prophecies of the fall of the temple and the need to be watchful for the second coming, Our Lord reminds us that if we are to follow Him, it will not be an easy road. We must take up our crosses daily and walk behind Him. Our Lord indicates that these crosses will come in the form of persecution, being hated, and even some being put to death. We are currently living in a time where these words are coming true:
“You will be hated by all because of my name…” Luke 21:17
But it is exactly in the face of this hatred that Our Lord teaches in the Beatitudes:
“Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven…” Matthew 5:11
Ending today’s gospel, Our Lord sums up this same promise:
“By your perseverance, you will secure your lives.” Luke 21:19
In this time leading up to Advent, let us take this time to pray and do penance for the grace of final perseverance so that when Our Lord does come, we will have indeed, secured our lives. And let us “rejoice and be glad” to find ourselves worthy if we are hated for Christ.
Lovely! The other day I saw a sign which read, "Christ is coming soon. Are you ready?"
While we don't know when Christ's second coming will occur, we should always be preparing ourselves for that moment nonetheless! Advent is a wonderful reminder to focus our hearts and attention on Christ.
Spot on and beautiful! Amen!