Letter from the Editor: Book Release Tomorrow!
Our New Book "The Eucharistic Revival Project" releases tomorrow!
Greetings Missio Dei!
The Missio Dei Eucharistic Revival Project is set to be released in its first edition tomorrow on the feast of St. Pius X—the Pope of the Eucharist—at noon on the En Route website. (Kindle Edition midnight tonight!) What a crowning achievement for our writing group! I want to congratulate everyone who worked so hard getting this book published, It's been a long ride, but finally the pay off. Here is the cover art for out new book:
En Route Books and Media gives a great testimony on the purpose of our collaboration, “The Eucharist Revival Project is Missio Dei’s response to Pope Francis’ call to rediscover “the real and loving presence of the Lord” in the Eucharist. The Missio Dei Team’s belief in the power of Holy Communion is manifested in this book, inviting everyone who reads it to understand the historical, prophetic, and present-day miracle of Christ in the Eucharist and to seek this Sacrament of Love with a renewed fervor.”
The book reviewed by the late Kevin Vost Psy.D, author of two dozen Catholic books from Memorize the Faith! to What is God?
“Missio Dei’s The Eucharistic Revival Project is a feast for the mind, heart, and soul, replete with thought-provoking and devotion-deepening insights and stories from, great saints, popes, literary figures, and modern-day clerical and lay Catholics. Listen carefully as they lay out their reasons to be grateful for Christ’s mysterious gift through which His very Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity should enter under the roofs of our mouths and cleave to our inmost parts. Your hunger, thirst, and love for the Eucharist will surely revive and thrive.”
Father Goyo Hidalgo, Priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Associate pastor of St. Philomena Paris, Carson, California, and author of From Prodigal to Priest: A Journey Home to Family, Faith, and the Father’s Embrace gives his review:
“The Eucharist Revival is a journey into the love for the Eucharist understanding deeply the Real Presence of Jesus Christ. More than ever, this is needed not only for non-Catholics to understand, but for many Catholics to revive their experience of Christ in the Eucharist. This is a book with many experiences of the Eucharist that will put a fire on anyone who has even a simple doubt. Each chapter with a new writer will inspire you to love Christ and to run to the nearest church to spend time with Him.”
It’s simple, I am asking our readers to help support the mission of Missio Dei—to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ! If you want to see our movement grow, a movement concerned with the preaching of the gospel then please support us by getting a copy of this book. Buy one for your priest, Buy one for your protestant friend who doesn’t know what Catholics believe about the Eucharist. Buy one for your fellow Catholic—remember 70% of Catholics do not believe in the real presence of the Eucharist.
The President of En Route Books & Media, Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, is very excited about our book release. He’s suggested we start working on the sequel to the book. So, with the help of Dr. Mahfood’s suggestion, Missio Dei has been brainstorming the next book: The Glorious Restoration Project: Essays on the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Please help us continue our mission, It is your help that keeps the charism of Missio Dei alive.
Phillip Hadden
We are the #1 new release for Christian Sacraments!!! :)
I am so excited for this book to see the light, and I pray it will encourage and help many people return to the importance of the Eucharist. God bless everyone that was involved.