“After making the crossing, they came to land at Gennesaret and tied up there. As they were leaving the boat, people immediately recognized him. They scurried about the surrounding country and began to bring in the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was. Whatever villages or towns or countryside he entered, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged him that they might touch only the tassel on his cloak; and as many as touched it were healed.” (Mark 6:53-56 NABRE)
Imagine what it must have been like for Jesus and the disciples to have so many people pursuing them, hoping and praying to be healed by the Lord. They followed Him everywhere He went, in order to beg Him and to reach for His cloak. No matter where the Lord turned, someone was there who needed His help.
Though the Lord was perfect in patience and love, He probably faced tiredness at times, and desired to have a break.
Do you ever feel like this?
Sometimes our lives can feel like we’re just running around putting out fires. No matter how much we accomplish, there’s always still more to do.
Personally, I’m the kind of person who makes lists. Whether they’re mental lists, or physically written down, I always have some type of list going of things I need to get done. And though this is good for organization, it can be overwhelming!
Thankfully, Jesus understands. He knows what it’s like to feel as though one’s work is never done. He knows how it feels to be overwhelmed, stressed, and tired. He knows what it feels like to have everyone relying on Him.
So, if you ever feel like you’re spread too thin, if you’re tired but still have work to do, or if you’re overwhelmed, lean on your Lord. Ask Him to fill you with His strength, patience, and endurance. Jesus has been through these things before, and can help you through them now.
Thank you for this reflection. I often feel overwhelmed, mentally and physically tired, and ask the Lord for a break just for a day. Then I feel guilty and scold myself for being tired calling it selfishness. But Jesus not only felt tired himself, but He was keenly aware when His disciples were tired. The Scriptures tells us a few times how Jesus called His disciples away for rest. So maybe I need to be less hard on myself, and realize Jesus gets it and cares.
Unconditional trust and resting upon the Lord is what opens us up to His peace and strength. Praying for them while anxiously waiting for them to happen only postpones them (cf. Philippians 4:6-7; 1Peter 5:5-7; James 4:5-10).