Charity Mobile: A Catholic Pro-Life Cell Phone Company
In our world today, we are inundated with non-Christian agendas. If it is not Verizon championing the LGBTQ community or T-Mobile offering employee benefits to cover travel costs for abortions, it is our favorite TV show or restaurant going woke and falling into the spirit of the times. Is it possible we do not have enough alternatives, and we subscribe to these companies out of convenience? I am sure that is the reason for much of this, but we have alternatives.
Part of our mission at Missio Dei is to promote a Catholic culture which ultimately means bringing souls to Christ, and being responsible Catholic Men and Women. Missio Dei Catholic remains 100% Pro-Life, and we believe the Catholic Church’s teaching that life begins at conception.
Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person — among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.
CCC 2270
I spoke with Charity Mobile last week, and I am very happy to see a company that is not scared to be Pro-Life and offers a percent of your bill to a Pro-Life Charity of your choice.
Please consider switching your phone provider and help to change the landscape of America. If we are willing to win this culture war, we are going to have to stop funding the people that promote the things that are contrary to our faith. Check out the links below, and make sure to use promo code MISSIO. You may also choose “Missio Dei Catholic” when choosing a Pro-Life organization to support.
If you have any questions feel free to leave a message in the chat, and I will respond.
In Christ,
Jonathon Fessenden